Posts Tagged ‘Pirates’



July 20, 2008

Now then me hearties.


Are ye in th’ way o’ knowin’ what a Pirate’s favourite music is?




What else could it be but…


Aaaaarrrrrrrrr-d rock.


*slowly polishing my battered halo*


Be Warned Lads!

May 25, 2008

Ahoy me lads!  Weigh anchor and set to, we’re leaving port!


Aye.  The loon is who ye think it is wavin’ at us from dockside.




The Punny Pirate!!!


Did ye hear aboot yon pirate movin’ ptcher?


It’s rated, “Arrrrrrrrrrr!”


Too late lads, she got us square amidships wi’ her newest turrible pun!!