Archive for the ‘Goddesses’ Category


Looks harmless…

April 3, 2008


Is this the green stuff they keep talking about?


Red’s On Her Soapbox

December 29, 2006

Aye, I know lads.  ‘Tis miserable to see so much o’  th’ grey skies.  It’s glad I was t’ note the passin’ o’ th’ Winter Solstice.

     Here now!!  The Solstices and Equinoxes are th’ oldest way o’ markin’ time.  Before we were writin’ wi’ normal letters, or even them fancy Hieroglyphs in Egypt we knew the way t’ mark the Passin’ O’ Th’ Seasons. 

If t’were evil, like the Witch Hunters say, then why were it Astrologers found the Christ babby and were callin’ Him the King O’ Kings?  Tell me that laddy!! Faiths are always takin’ over from the old ones all the time. 

Lookit Christianity, how many names are there for Christians?  Reformed Church of England, Catholic, Christian, Protestant, Lutheran, Mormon, Jehovah’s Witnesses, I could go on an’ on, but ye git th’ jist o’ what I’m sayin’. 

Th’ thing is, all the Christians believe the same thing, they jus’ celebrate it a wee different from each other.  They all worship the Same God, and Christ; and there’re good’uns and bad’uns in every faith. 

Why do I no call ‘em religions, ye ask?  I’ll tell ye why!!  A religion is summat ye’re willin’ t’kill fer, a faith is summat ye’re willin’ t’die fer.  An’ that’s bloomin true!!! 

An’ th’ colours of Man, that’s just a’cause o’ where they hail from.  We’re all the same under th’ skin.   Oh, aye, I’ve seen a body wi’ no skin on it, an’ I couldna tell ye if it were white, black, or any colour, even Tyrian Purple!! 

Me?  I’m surprised ye’ hadn’t already caught on t’ that!  Nay lads I’m not a Christian.  Ye act so surprised, why is that?? 

That’s what I been tryin’ t’ tell ye!!   Good don’ know colour, faith, or money; all it knows is what ye do.  The neasure o’ a man is the same; it has nowt to do wi’ anything but his deeds. 

Ye great silly lout!!  What?  Now ye’re all afeared o’ me?  How many voyages ha’ we sailed afore now??  How many o’ them voyages did ye have bad luck?  None!  Now, tell me this, how can I be bad luck if’n we’ve had nobbut good luck?? 

How do I know all o’ this?  What do ye see me doin’ when I’m not feedin’ or fixin’ ye?  Readin’, that’s what!!  Knowin’ how to read sets ye free in a way ye’ll nivver notice, but ye’ll feel it all th’ same. Aye!!  Now ye are understandin’ me! 

I’ll get down fro’ me soapbox now an’ wish everyone a Happy Christmas. a Joyous Kwanzaa, a Happy Hanukah, th’ best o’ yer Ramadan, a wonderful Solstice, an’ any other Holy days that I haven’t yet learned aboot. 

Amen, Namaste, and Blessed Be. 


Bulgarian Goddess

October 15, 2006

As I wandered through the ruins I came across an ancient image of the goddess on a cave wall. This is She, Mother Earth, Goddess of Pazardzik, Bulgaria, c. 4000B.C.E.

Edith, aka Soul Sister, aka Lady Annabel!